How to Choose the Right Back Belt for Sciatica?

Sciatica does not threaten life, but it greatly affects its quality. Back pain and muscle stiffness are almost constant companions of this disease, and these are the reasons people resort to ointments and various painkillers. However, there are other ways to help yourself with sciatica.

What is Sciatica?

Sciatica is the inflammation or damage to nerve roots, which can occur for a variety of reasons. Most often, this disease is caused by:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • protrusions and intervertebral hernias;
  • excessive physical strain or back injury;
  • hypothermia.

Characteristic symptoms of sciatica include pain, numbness and/or tingling, impaired sensitivity, and motor function. The nerve roots in the lumbar region are most often affected: firstly, it is very mobile, and secondly, the main weight of the body rests on the lower back.

Also, in the area of the pinched root, there is often reflex muscle tension, which presses on the surrounding tissues and intensifies the pain. The difference in muscle tone of the back can often be seen with the naked eye.

How to Treat Sciatica?

Most people prefer to treat themselves with pills and injections because this is a simple and accessible way to quickly reduce back pain. However, anti-inflammatory drugs have serious drawbacks – they irritate the gastric mucosa and can cause ulcers or even gastrointestinal bleeding. In addition, painkillers do not reduce muscle tension. This can only be managed with muscle relaxants, which should be prescribed by a doctor.

Note: Muscle relaxants, like painkillers, also have side effects.

To relax the muscles of the lower back and reduce pain during sciatica without harming the body, doctors recommend wearing an elastic medical belt EXTRA (Lauma Medical).

What is the Purpose of the Elastic Belt EXTRA?

The EXTRA belt is made of several materials: wool (45%), cotton (44%), polyamide (6%), and latex (5%). This composition ensures its hypoallergenicity, elasticity, and excellent warming properties.

Thanks to thermal action, tense muscles relax, blood circulation improves, and tissue swelling quickly decreases. And along with it, the pain disappears.

The medical belt EXTRA can be used not only during the acute phase of the disease but also for preventing flare-ups of lumbar-sacral sciatica. Doctors also recommend it for osteochondrosis, neuritis, myositis, sports and domestic injuries – for all pathologies accompanied by pain and muscle tension.

How to Choose the Right Size of the Elastic Belt EXTRA?

When selecting the EXTRA belt, it is necessary to correctly measure the main parameters – waist and hip circumferences, as well as the belt height. The obtained results must be compared with the size chart – from S to XXXL. This product is suitable for both very thin people (for example, adolescents) and people with excess weight.

The elastic belt should tightly wrap around the waist and hips, helping to maintain correct posture, but not constricting them. In case of acute pain, it is recommended to wear it around the clock and then gradually reduce the wearing time.

Can the Elastic Medical Belt EXTRA Replace Medication?

For mild and moderate pain, most people find warming and resting the lower back sufficient – in this case, the medical belt EXTRA can replace medication. However, for severe pain, significant muscle tension, or neurological disorders, medical help and medications will be necessary. Still, even in this situation, the elastic belt EXTRA (Lauma Medical) will be an effective and safe complement to the therapy for lumbar-sacral sciatica.

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